Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Going Once, Going Twice....

OK- So I haven't been around very many women that are pregnant, but my very dear friend who was recently pregnant, related to me the crazy remarks people made to her throughout her pregnancy.  I never realized how sensitive pregnant women can be... until NOW!

Those who know me, know that I often have trouble using my "filter" when I speak (although I've gotten better over the years). Therefore, I've decided not to take things too personally, however I thought it would be a good idea to document the crazy comments said to me throughout this experience.
I'm sure it will make for a good laugh at some point...

We are already off to a good start!

So, the first few crazy and insensitive things were said by co-workers just minutes after I announced the good news. 

1) "Well, how far along are you, because my sister just had a miscarriage last month..."

2) "Hey, I have a good idea, You should auction off it's middle name!" 

    Don't worry Lil' Shaffa, your name will be chosen with much love, thought, and consideration by me and your Daddy.


  1. Classic! I can give you a million more insensitive remarks - people are especially "kind" in the later days of pregnancy - they absolutely love to comment on the size of your belly!


  2. They're not any fun until they're about two years old...before that about all they do is sh*t, p*ss and cry! So call me in about two years! Love you, Grandbob
